Time-Critical Sepsis Screening Software
Redefining sepsis care with evidence-based clinical guidance.

Augmented Intelligence for Sepsis Diagnosis & Treatment Compliance
Sepsis presents with vague signs and symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose this time-critical condition. Paper forms and EHR tools are difficult to use and error prone, leading to ineffective sepsis care. Redivus Health simplifies the complex diagnostic process.
Using real-time data collection
Redivus flags SIRS and SOFA criteria and monitors bundle compliance
Includes timers for bundle compliance and treatment protocols
Notifies the team when an immediate action needs taken
Increasing Identification. Decreasing Mortality Rates.
The problem
Most attempts to manage sepsis fail. Sepsis identification is missed approximately 50% of the time, and 60% of septic patients are coded incorrectly.
The Cause
The underlying cause of these statistics is not improper care, but too many moving parts in a complicated diagnosis.
The Risk
Without an effective screening tool to help organize data and identify action pathways, sepsis goes misdiagnosed or untreated far too often.

Catch Sepsis Before It’s Fatal
Redivus Health flips the script and changes the way sepsis diagnosis and treatment is performed. Redivus helps providers gather all the moving pieces to get a clear picture and perform sepsis intervention before it’s too late. Reduce variability in care and cognitive errors through workflow optimization that looks like:

Consistent screening and accurate diagnosis tools, including autonomous flagging of abnormal vital signs and labs signifying organ dysfunction.

Early, effective treatment of sepsis results in reduced length of stay and fewer readmissions.

Timely interventions with full situational awareness of all sepsis patients in the hospital.

Scans the EHR and alerts provider when red flags for sepsis appear.

Improves coding accuracy and reimbursement with accurate documentation.

Excellent training tool for identifying and treating sepsis sooner.
Redivus Health In Action