Pediatric Resuscitation Software

Precision-guided care for children when every second counts.

Providing Clarity During Chaos

When a child deteriorates, it's imperative for healthcare professionals to move swiftly and efficiently. And in instances of pediatric cardiac arrest, the need for everything to run perfectly is paramount. In these moments, the urgency of saving the tiniest patients can cloud even the most focused and skilled minds.


Using an intuitive software design based on pediatric advanced life support (PALS) guidelines from the American Heart Association and American Red Cross, Redivus fortifies high-stakes pediatric resuscitation interventions with precision medication dosing, relevant intervention guidance, and real-time documentation.


Would She Have Survived?

"A previously healthy, now unresponsive 2-year-old girl arrived at our children's emergency room with more than 30 providers waiting. She was transferred from a community hospital ER, where life saving measures were started, and upon arrival, she lost her pulse again. As resuscitation was underway, we quickly scoped through her breathing tube. It was kinked and above her vocal cords. The tube used was too big and inadequately ventilating/oxygenating her.


"We quickly exchanged the large tube for a smaller one that was positioned correctly, and she regained her pulse. The child had now suffered two cardiac arrests without adequate oxygen to her brain for more than 60 minutes. The doctors knew what that meant. Her head scan confirmed it; diffuse brain swelling with impending herniation. There was nothing we could do to stop it.


"It's difficult to tell this story and not think about what could have been done differently. What if there was an application that guided providers to reach for a smaller endotracheal tube more appropriate for her size during that time-critical situation? Would she still be with us? Could her mom still be able to hold her? For all children, if there is a way to prevent this situation going forward, we need to pursue it."

Pediatric Critical Care Physician
Major Metropolitan Children's Hospital


Increase Provider Confidence. Improve Data Capture Efficiencies.

The criticality of weight-based treatment of pediatric cardiac arrest means there is no time for error. Pathway complexity and cognitive load are major contributors to intervention errors and delay. Afterwards, resuscitation documentation may be unclear and incomplete, making it difficult to identify and aggregate data for performance improvement.

The Redivus PALS app enables users to:

Save time and increase accuracy with automatic weight-based calculations

Simple, intuitive documentation and intervention guidance

Increase care quality and teamwork via provider hand-off

Capture ROSC and event reactivation data

Debrief digitization and analytics to aid in quality improvement

The Solution

An Entirely Different Resuscitation Experience for Pediatrics

Redivus Health's easy-to-use pediatric resuscitation app is designed by clinicians, for clinicians.
Automated timers simplify timekeeping and weight-based medicine calculations support providers during high-intensity pediatric cardiac arrest events. Workflow optimization means more confidently treating pediatric patients.

Adjusts dosage of medications based on child’s weight (measured or estimated with Broselow Tape)

Adjusts recommended strength of defibrillation shocks based on weight

Runs multiple timers with prompts for medications and chest compressions

Documents every intervention during the code using drop-down menus and user-friendly functionality, allowing the user to add comments or make edits after the event

Records medication doses and how meds are given (IV, IO, ET tube)

Integrates with any EHR to upload code blue documentation to the patient's chart

In addition, Redivus Health provides neonatal resuscitation software to support code teams working to save preemies and newborns in cardiac arrest.

Start Saving Time When Time Matters Most